Established by Rob Nairn in 2008, the Mindfulness Africa network is a group of mindfulness practitioners dedicated to assisting people enhance their own well-being and the well-being of others. Information includes details of courses held in South Africa.
The Mindfulness Association was set up at the request of Rob Nairn to deliver secular mindfulness training. It is a non-profit making organisation with altruistic aims directed towards sharing the benefits of mindfulness with all of those who are interested. The Mindfulness Association works with the University of Aberdeen in the ongoing development and delivery of its Masters Programme in Mindfulness Studies. It offers many of its courses at Samye Ling Tibetan Centre and associated centres throughout the UK. Information includes courses offered in Europe by other centres.
Samye Ling is a monastery and international centre of Buddhist training, known for the authenticity of its teachings and tradition. It offers instruction in Buddhist philosophy and meditation within the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. It is also a centre for the preservation of Tibetan religion, culture, medicine, art, architecture and handicrafts. A comprehensive catalogue of mindfulness training certification courses is offered throughout the year.
The School is located in the MacRobert Building on the Kings College Campus. Innovative use is made of technology to support distance learning partnerships in both teaching and research, nationally and internationally. Their MSc Studies in Mindfulness provides training in mindfulness and is entirely secular. An overall aim of the course is to enhance participants practice and extend their professionalism.